Sunday, September 23, 2007

Golden Squash Soup

OK, all you squash lovers, this is your rainy day "comfort" food for when your spoke breaks and you don't get to participate in the mtn bike race that you've been looking forward to for over a month. Plus it's healthy, especially when you're trying to bulk up with, er . . . cream. Curtis likes it. He ate a big bowl of it, and I don't remember him being a big squash fan.

2 apples (peel, cut and core)
2 1/2 lbs. banana or spaghetti squash (cut in half)
1 c. chicken broth
2 T. butter
1 1/2 c. chopped onions
2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
2 t. mild curry powder
1 c. apple juice
1 c. cream
Salt to taste (check before adding more)

Place apples and squash face-down on baking sheet. Tent with foil and bake @ 350 for one hour. Let cool. Scoop out squash. Place squash, apples, chicken broth and apple juice in blender (the broth and juice will help the blender moosh it all up). In lg pot, melt butter, then add onions. Saute until onions are barely translucent, not limp. Add salt, pepper, and curry powder. Add squash mixture and cream. Heat through, but avoid boiling. Salt to taste. Serve hot. Makes about 8 cups.

1 comment:

Janette said...

i'm definitely going to try this looks like a good fall one